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Our Services

Pre-cut System

Easy and fast construction


Do It Yourself

Our pre-cut process makes construction easy and fast. The principal idea of this system is DIY. With our system, you can assemble simple buildings yourself, thereby reducing construction costs. Our team will provide you with detailed information about how to build your custom project as efficiently as possible.

No need for expensive tools

With our pre-cut system, all building components are sawn and marked before delivery, eliminating the need for expensive tools and instruments. All you need to do is assemble and reinforce them.


Quick assembly

All required construction materials will be delivered to your building site. If you decide against DIY, our specialists will assemble your building (a standard 150m2 house) within 1-2 weeks, with all installations done in 4-6 months. Our pre-cut system offers significant advantages when building two-story buildings as well, specifically eliminating the need for a crane and heavy machinery.  

The manufacturing of building components takes approximately 1-2 weeks.

Our company manufactures and builds ecological timber frame and panel-frame houses in Lithuania and Norway. We also sell wood products and consult on construction issues.

300 079 876 (LT) 
990 693 994 (NO)

Statybininku g. 2D

LT-74111 Jurbarkas

+370 653 44905

  • Pre-cut System

  • Panel-frame house

  • Consultating

  • Wood preparation and sales

  • Reconstruction and renovation

  • Tiny houses


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